Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Tune Your Database to Create Niche Markets (Part1)

Segmentation is not a new marketing trend; it is a customer-oriented philosophy and is consistent with modern marketing concept. It is an accepted fact that markets are not homogeneous. Consumers differ in their needs and also the manner in which it has to be satisfied. Using the data attained, the consumer market is divided into segments. Data segmentation allows you to communicate with a relevant and targeted message to each segment identified. By segmenting your data, you will be able to identify different levels of your customer database and allow messaging to be tailored and sophisticated to suit your target market.

Are you fretful about…

·         Increasing firm-wide productivity?
·         Increasing revenues from prevailing customers?
·         Getting bang for your marketing buck?
·         Getting better customer satisfaction scores?
·         Developing a consistent understanding of your customer?
·         Understanding customer lifetime worth?
·         Figuring out your most valuable customers?
·         Setting a framework for consistent growth?
·         Focusing on each and every employee’s activity to create customer value?

It is high time you explore your database and make the most of it right now. Let us see how you can do it…

Database – Most valuable marketing asset

To understand the prominence of your database for your marketing, let’s take this example. A husband visits a jewelry store to purchase jewelry for his wife on their wedding anniversary. During this visit, he indicates some of his wife’s general preferences – for example, she prefers white gold, she likes jewelry that integrates opal, and her birthstone. As a sales representative you can also ask him the date of his anniversary. Finally, as a part of the checkout process, you collect his contact information. Once this visit is complete, your database record for this customer includes what he purchased, price of the product, his anniversary date, comments regarding his wife’s general preferences, his contact details, and a date in which you would like to follow-up with the customer.

Why this information?

You can send him an email thanking him for buying from you, and include a discount coupon for future purpose.

·         Request for a feedback
·         You can follow up after a few weeks for occasions like Valentine’s Day
·         Send a personalized email with items his wife would be interested
·         Recommend him special offers based on his previous budgets
·         Keep following and know more about the customer

#1 Tidbit:
Every single customer knocking at your door represents a lifetime of purchases. If you are not making a strenuous effort to stay in touch with the customers once they buy from you and leave the store, you are definitely missing a golden opportunity to market to someone who is already familiar with your offerings.

Tune Your Database to Create Niche Markets (Part2)

Deep inside your million-dollar database are manifold niche markets of intact opportunities. Niche identification–better known as database segmentation, is how you can enhance your sales. Here are 9 different ways to segment your database.

You may think you cannot segment your database if you have only got the email address of your customers. This however is not true, segment your mailing list based on email service providers.

Job Title
Job functions and job titles are critical in most buying processes. After coding each contact’s title, run reports to discover new buyer trends. With so many layoffs and job consolidations, it’s not unusual to find that job roles are expanding. You may find new sales reasons for getting in the door. At the very least, you’ll be able to separate communication methods from one job function to another.

When capturing opt-in leads, ask for geo-identifier like state or area code. Geo coding allows you to personalize promotions.

Referrals are like a melody. Referral partners tend to be very social and enjoy being in a position to help someone in their network. You must be able to identify these folks to build marketing campaigns that reward their gesture.

Source Code 
How did the customer find you?
By tracking this information, you know where to invest more time and which activities to cut.

Phone Numbers
Phone numbers are a great way to segment your list by location. Organize your database in Excel and sort by phone number, and then determine the contact’s city by looking at the phone number area code.
Staying visible costs time and money. Maximize your networking ROI by identifying who you meet where.

Inactive Customers 
Once a quarter, red flag customers who’ve gone silent or you’ve inadvertently ignored. Reach out to them before they go to the dark side, i.e. your competitors.

Email Click-through
Prospects who click on your hyperlinks in your messages are more valuable than those who don’t.

Tune Your Database to Create Niche Markets (Part3)

#2 Tidbit:

It’s AT LEAST five times easier to sell an existing customer than to find a new one. .

Why do this?

Here’s the equation:
Product/Service + Niche Marketing = Higher Level of Sales Conversions.

Segmenting niches allows you to extract contacts and group by similar necessities.
The more focused you are, the more likely it is for you to discover the trends that will help you develop products and services to better meet the specific needs and interests of your existing potential clients.

Segmenting can help you keep your mailing list fresh and engaged. For example, target subscribers who haven’t opened or clicked your e-mails for a while and try to re-engage them.

You now know you can segment your database to get better results. Now let us see how to tap your data for melody.

Despite online technology zooming high, the one best thing that customers expect from marketers is – Value. If you get this right, you have your lyric. Follow these 5P notes to work it out…

Conferring to the analytics, with segmentation you can have practically one-to-one communications with customers, on a mass, automated scale. Customize your direct marketing based on your customers’ past purchases.

Customer interaction strength depends on recency and frequency. To build this up, you need real powerful stuff to work. You can produce highly relevant content based on what the customers are interested. You can assign this to online retailers who do it extremely well. Their website generates automatic recommendations based on what the customer has been searching for recently. All this makes up for a pleasurable user experience and often the recommendations are useful. Instead of bombarded with generic offers, the user is presented with products that are much more relevant. Remember too that a lack of interactive data can be just as telling – if nobody’s clicking on the links in your e-mails, your content isn’t relevant to them, it is time to review.

Marketing across a variety of platforms, including e-mail, website, mobile, and SMS means your customers receive your message on the device(s) they prefer. Enable social media sharing for maximum viral marketing. You can collate data across all of these platforms, helping you assess the effectiveness of each and build very detailed profiles. Set up a preference centre on your website so that customers can choose how often they want to hear from you, on what topics, and via which media (SMS, email, etc.). That way they’ll look forward to your company’s messages and are more likely to act on them.

The effectiveness of your e-marketing is so easy to measure and act on immediately, with powerful, detailed, real-time analytics and engagement just a click away. In the past it was all about reporting; now it’s about acting on real-time data, right away. Assess in real time how your latest campaign is being received.

Respond to and interact with customers immediately – capitalizing on their interest and increasing conversions. For example, when an online shopper abandons her basket, strike while the iron is hot with a follow-up email to encourage her to return and complete the purchase. Alternatively, when new customers sign up for a service online, as well as receiving a welcome email, the system is triggered to send a series of informative email messages at prescribed intervals.

Your Takeaway
By knowing your customers - their interest, purchase behavior, content reading pattern -you can send them messages that are relevant and targeted. With focused messages, you’re a step closer to that 300+% response rate increase. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Build Email List with Social Media

Build Email List with Social Media

Build Email List With Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are the most popular social media channels which give access for two-way communication. By now marketers have started using social media communicate with customers. Though they are nor using Social Media as a channel to create prospects.

Turn followers into Customers:

If you have stepped into social web, you ought to have some followers or friends. All you need to do is turn them into Prospects. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. You cannot win a prospect just by commenting or tweeting. On the contrary if you send too many comments or tweets there are chances of being blocked. So the only way to get prospects is posting killer content in the social web in regular intervals or during important events.

Here are few tips that can help you grab prospects:

1.    Create killer content that is worth sharing and post in Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites.
2.    Draft content that isn’t available elsewhere and share the knowledge.
3.    Give away a discount coupons or offer for joining in your mailing list.
4.    Offer gifts to subscribers if they refer you to their friends or circles.
5.    Grab more fans and followers without annoying them with excessive marketing.

Try these tips and you will definitely win great loyal customers and repeat business.

Contact Us

Still not able to cope up with Social web? Let our Social Media Analysts do it for you. Experts at PioneerMarketers do a complete analysis of your brand and social presence and will grab prospects for you.

Monday, 2 July 2012

What Does Email Recipients Want To Read? (Part2)

Don’t write but speak:
It is a mere rumor that business communication should be formal. The value of the content is more important than the style. Your email copy is a dear opportunity that you get to communicate with your recipients. So grab it and utilize it to the max. Write content that is like a breath of fresh air. The readers should feel that you are directly talking to them. So write in second person. Make it conversational and friendly by using ‘You’ and ‘Your’ in your copy and give it an animated feel.

Have a Consistent Brand Tone:
Give your brand a voice. With a consistent tone and vocabulary, create an impression such that recipients identify your brand just by reading the copy. This will help you build a lot a conversational content and win trust which will automatically lead to sales. 

Keep Testing:
In the email copy there are many factors you need to consider for testing. The factors include subject lines, tone, length of the copy, keywords used for calls-to-action, font type and size, bulleted and numbered lists, personalization, etc. The best testing practice followed for email marketing is A/B Split. When you are testing, don’t try to change more than one factor at a time.

Bottom Line:
As mentioned earlier, email is surely a dear opportunity to communicate with your recipients. However, do not exploit the chance. Though you feel like writing lengthy copies, readers would be too busy to read or would be bored by just looking at the copy. So confine your copy to maximum of 300 words. The better the copy, the higher would be the number of readers reading what you’ve written.

You still can’t make your audience read? We can definitely help you with our Content Solutions. Either call us on 888-400-1602 or email us at

What Does Email Recipients Want To Read? (Part1)

Audience is always unpredictable. You never know what they expect to read. You need to get deep into their minds to dig out what words trigger their instincts to buy from you. However, if know what to say but stuck up with how to say it, don’t worry you are not alone. According to Content Marketing Institute, more than 36percent of email marketers say that writing great content is the biggest challenge.

So how do you confront this challenge? Here is a chunk of advice that can help you to create just the right content.

Choose Simplicity over Complexity:
Writing content with complex and high frequency words wouldn’t do any good other than confusing the recipients. Your email should be simple that even a stark recipient can read it. Do not use metaphors or words with more than 4 syllables.

Highlight Benefits over Features:
If you are writing about a product/service, assay the difference between features and benefits. A feature is just the characteristic of a product whereas benefit explains what the recipients gain from the product. Though features are important, it is the benefits that convince the recipient to pull out his wallet and give you his hard earned money to buy it.

Readers don’t read but Scan:
Email recipients have peculiar behavior of scanning the copy rather than reading it completely. So highlight the critical aspects wither by making it bold or using a different font color. Yet, the copy should flow freely without any brakes in between. Readers should not be forced to read your email twice to get the meaning out.

To be continued…

You can get an over-the-phone consulting right now by calling us on 888-400-1602 or email us at