Monday, 17 October 2016

Ways to market your content effectively

As we all know, inbound marketing addresses content creation, but one should not create content without figuring out who you’re marketing (target audience) to and how you will market to them effectively. If you overlook these initial steps to ensure your content reaches the right set of audience, your content will not be successful. So if your content is placed on your website and not getting too many downloads or leads, there is certainly some problem with you promotion strategies. That being said, we are sharing useful ways to market your content, be it ebook, PPT, whitepaper, guide and so on:

1) To advertise your content offer, create a PPC campaign

Not only PPC is a great way to promote your company and its line of business, you can also set up a campaign to promote your content offer. It will boost visibility and downloads while providing vital information to searchers.

For instance, if I search for home remodeling, and I get to see a list of local companies trying to promote themselves. But if I have never heard of these companies, I will not be able to take a decision as to which home remodeling company is right for me?

Here’s when a content offer based PPC ad can play a significant role. If you’re advertising an ebook with a title named “How to Get the Best Home Remodeling Organization that suits your Timeline and Budget”. This will certainly stand out against the other ads and search results as it directly helps solve my problem. PPC ad will probably get the click and boost conversion.

Another great way to get your content offer on relevant websites is display ads. With display ads, you can choose the websites that you want your ad to pop up. This way, visitors who are browsing a popular website that you chose, can find your related content offer.

2) Guest blogging on popular websites

Some of the popular websites try to provide solutions to predominant problems that their readership is experiencing for a while. It is important to understand your buyer’s persona and the source from where do they get information. Once you get a clear picture of the websites your buyer persona is reading, see if these websites provide the platform for industry leaders to guest blog.
After getting the approval for guest blogging, you can write your articles, keeping them educational and without self-promoting. Always keep this in mind, you’re trying to help the reader solve a problem with your expertise and industry knowledge. Later, you can use your ebook as a next step call to action when the reader has finished the article and wants more information, your content offer is ready!

3) Email marketing is a great way to promote the ebook

If you have a set of clients or prospects who have already expressed interest in similar content offers, or those who have identified certain problems and they need some concrete resolution, let them know about your new content offer!
Come up with actions on your contact form such as,
Generate more leads
Rank higher on Google
Grow our web presence
Once you know a visitor is looking out for ways to rank higher on Google, you can create an e-book around the topic they are looking for. You must be consistent in blogging that brings visitors back to your website. You can also email your blog to the section of people you’re targeting.
When sending emails, try to keep it educational and try to help a segmented list of your contacts as your engagement level will be higher and your success will not be diminished.

4) Connect with niche audience on social media

Keep an eye on Twitter and LinkedIn for users that have been sharing similar content to what you have created. You can see who is getting the biggest reach in terms of likes and retweets by searching similar terms.

5) Reach out to industry influencers for getting their leadership approach

Industry influencers have two main business goals. First, to find relevant articles and share it with their fan base and to increase their reach. Hence, you can give them great content to share with their following and by increasing their reach just through a link or a quote in your content offer.
It works better if you give them an incentive to share your content offer. For instance, ask them for a quote that you can incorporate into your content (offer) or link it to another article they have previously written.

6) Look for other linking opportunities

Using tools such as AHREFs, you can actually get to see other websites who have linked to content like yours. You can reach out to them with your content offer link and see if they are willing to include a link to your resource. This is most helpful when you come across a broken link that your new link can replace.

7) Repurpose your content in different ways

By having multiple formats of your content, you have better chances of reaching a greater audience. Content can come in different ways such as a blog, an article, an infographic, snippets, videos, PPTs and much more. Infographic for instance, is great to share on social platforms, particularly Pinterest, because of its visual appeal.
Make use of these brilliant marketing tips and put in some extra effort to take a content offer from zero to hero.

About the author:

Marilyn Lyons is a veteran search, content and social marketer, and blogger at PioneerMarketers. Over the past one decade, Marilyn has successfully developed and implemented online marketing tactics and has worked with some of the world’s biggest brands. Her focus is to drive traffic and implement strategies for conversion campaigns for more than 100+ plus business of all sizes. In this blog, she is sharing some useful insights on how to market your content effectively to continually improve and maintain the quality of B2B email contact database. Over the years, she has been adding a number of B2C data cards to help you reach your niche target audience, the latest one being the Animal Food Manufacturers Email List. She enjoys working with a variety of entrepreneurs and small businesses in the USA and UK region. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Demand Generation: To Make Your Business Stay in Demand Always

Some people mistake demand generation for lead generation, and consider it just good enough to fetch leads. Actually, it’s much more than that. Demand generation can be considered as the marriage of sales process and structured marketing programs coupled with lead management initiatives. It is a systematic process that incorporates targeted marketing practices to create awareness and interest in a company’s products and services.

One of the most vital components of demand generation is creating awareness, which involves multiple facets of marketing and needs continued efforts. Depending on the company size and complexity of sale, demand generation may include one or all of the following:

·         Branding
·         Inbound Marketing
o      Search Engine Optimization
o      Viral Marketing
o      Social Media Marketing
o      Email Marketing
o      Pay Per Click Marketing
·         Outbound Marketing
o      Inside Sales/Telemarketing
o      Outsourced Lead Generation
o      Outsourced Appointment Setting
·         Lead Nurturing and Scoring
·         Customer Interaction Improvement
·         Discovery Facilitation
·         Market Research
·         Sales and Marketing Alignment
·         Marketing Automation and Analytics

PioneerMarketers is one among the various organizations offering demand generation services. It employs latest demand generation techniques to create foolproof strategies for business and help clients achieve superior business results.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Online Reputation Management

Today with easy access to internet, one can get to know or post many things good & bad about you and your brand. Even if you don't see anything spoken bad today that doesn’t it cannot happen tomorrow.

Not everyone associated with your company will be happy with your brand. Similarly, all your customers cannot be happy with your products and services or maybe they are too upset or angry. With social media it takes fraction of seconds for an unhappy customer or employee to talk bad about your brand. Worst, it then appears on search engines like Google and can be viewed by your prospects, business partners, stock holders, journalists. Sadly, it takes a lot to clear that tarnished brand image.

Online reputation management is the process of handling your brand’s reputation online. There are companies providing this service. You can get in touch with them. These professionals take care of all the bad words spreading in the webosphere about you. Online brand reputation management in general has these steps:
  • Assessing the problem
  • Developing plan
  • Creating positive buzz about your brand
  • Starting positive conversation on social networking sites
  • Posting positive comments and USPs about your brand to surpass the bad comments appearing on search engines
  • Monitoring  brand’s rank on search engines and ensure negative publicity to appear at least after top 20 search results
PioneerMarketers offers online reputation management services that help you build a strong online presence. With our strategic planning and implementation, you can create a positive impact on your target audience and maintain it. To know more about this, you can talk to us.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Email Marketing: What Is It All About

Email marketing is used by big, small and medium sized companies to promote their business among potential clients as a direct marketing tool. The customers can be existing clients of the company, or some new prospective buyers.

In general, bulk mail is an identical message sent to each recipient present in the email list, using some special software. However, one may personalize the message for each client by creating mailing list that groups the subscribers based on their individual interests or preferences. Email marketing method, also known as ‘mass email marketing’, is largely explored by online entrepreneurs to generate web traffic.
Progressing with the successive campaigns and zeroing on the probable buyers, eventually results in increased web traffic and in turn sales. Going down the line, one gets a list of repeat clients that can be tapped each time a new product or service is offered. These clients begin to trust you and your product, and do not shy away from trying out innovative products; moreover they recommend it further to their acquaintances. This forms a chain of buyers, which shoots up the sale and brings welcome revenues for the companies.
PioneerMarketers provides people with business lists for running online promotional campaigns for email marketing. The mailing lists are verified by experts and highly targeted, and help people reach business prospects with ease.